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Spitfire Wheat

A variety with a good solid grain package and disease resistance, holds up well to harvest rain (high falling numbers in 2011 compared with most other varieties). Spitfire is a bity harder to thresh than some other commercially available varieties.

  • A high yielding variety with early mid maturity, slightly quicker than Baxter in the north and similar to Ventura in the south

  • Australian Prime Hard (APH) classification in Northern Zone and South Eastern Zone

  • Good level of resistance to Stripe rust (MR) based on Adult Plant Resistance

  • Long Coleoptiles with strong early seedling vigour

  • Market leading grain package with large grain size, low screenings and high protein accumulationExcellent Yield potential under extreme Root Lesion Nematode pressure (MT-MI)

  • Pedigree: Drysdale/Kukri

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