45Y82 - not in stock
Early-mid maturing Clearfield hybrid Suited to medium rainfall areas Blackleg resistance rating 2012 MR-MS. Moderate-high oil content...
Crusher TT - not in stock
Mid maturing Triazine tolerant variety Moderate oil content Medium-tall plant height Suited to medium to very high rainfall areas...
Hyola 474CL - not in stock
Mid to mid-early maturing Clearfield hybrid High oil content Medium-tall plant height Suited to med-low to high rainfall areas Blackleg...
Hyola 555TT - not in stock
Mid-early maturing Triazine tolerant hybrid Moderate-high oil content Medium plant height Suited to med-low through to high rainfall...
Hyola 575CL - not in stock
Mid maturing Clearfield hybrid High oil content Medium plant height Suited to medium-very high rainfall areas Blackleg resistance rating...
Jackpot TT - not in stock
Mid-early maturing Triazine tolerant variety Medium-short plant height High oil content Suited to medium-low to high rainfall areas...
Hyola 450TT - Not in stock
Early-mid maturity with a medium plant height Triazine tolerance Blackleg resistance Very high oil content with moderate seedling vigour...
Hyola 577CL - not in stock
Mid-late maturity with a medium-tall plant height Clearfield tolerance Blackleg resistance Very high oil content with good seedling...
Zircon - not in stock
Mid maturity with a medium plant height Open-pollinated, conventional variety Moderate Blackleg resistance Alternative to Hyola 50, AV...
Hyola 50 - not in stock
Mid maturing conventional hybrid Blackleg resistance Excellent seedling vigour Even flowering and maturity drydown Alternative to Garnet,...
Hyola 971CL - not in stock
Replaced by Hyola 970CL
44Y84 - not in stock
Earlier maturity Clearfield variety without compromising high yield potential and oil content Early season maturity Hybrid vigour ideally...
Hyola 559TT - not in stock
Mid-early maturity with a medium plant height Triazine tolerance Blackleg resistance High oil content with moderate seedling vigour...
Hyola 650TT - not in stock
Mid-late maturity with a medium plant height Triazine tolerance Blackleg resistance High oil content with moderate seedling vigour...