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Bottler Barley is GrainSearch’s latest barley variety to be released in Australia. Bottler is a mid-season maturity, high fermentability malting type barley with medium height straw. Bottler has shown adaptability to a range of HRZ and MRZ environments and has proven high yield potential. It exhibits resistance to Powdery Mildew and Net Form of Net Blotch (2017). Bottler has been entered into the Barley Australia Malt Accreditation program and malt grain production will be supported by Barrett Burston Malting in selected regions.

Selected growers in Victoria and Western Australia have sown Bottler crops this season (2019) in anticipation of achieving malt quality grain production for Barrett Burston Malting (BBM) to purchase. It is anticipated that this malt grade grain will be used by BBM to commence Stage 1 Malt Accreditation testing.

Bottler’s Malt Accreditation Stage 2 malt grain production will take place in 2019. Again BBM will be purchasing malt grade Bottler grain from growers in selected regions. It is anticipated (seasonal conditions pending) that a final decision on the malting grade status of Bottler will be known by February 2021. Growers who are keen to grow Bottler malt grain in the 2020 season, should contact either GrainSearch directly, or Barrett Burston Malting – to express their interest.

Bottler is protected by PBR and will have an End Point Royalty of $4/tonne (ex gst). The GrainSearch Industry Standard Grower Licence (2019) will be published in October 2018 and will contain more details on the terms and conditions associated with growing Bottler in 2019 and beyond

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