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GENIE WHEAT - Intergrain

Key Features

The new high-yielding, mid-slow AH* granting growers’ wishes

Mid-slow maturity, AH* wheat, an excellent late April sowing option for medium-high yielding production environments.

Excellent yield potential, particularly in >3t/ha yield environments. In these environments, Genie offers a 1-2% yield improvement compared to RockStar (2019-22 long-term InterGrain trials).

Good disease resistance profiles including excellent stem rust (MRp) and stripe rust (MRMSp) resistances, and useful CCN resistance (MSp).

A long coleoptile – an advantage when sowing into marginal moisture conditions.

Good sprouting tolerance with a provision rating of 5 based on internal testing, an improvement compared to RockStar.

Good test weight and adequate grain size.

*Genie is classified as AH in the Southern and Western zones with an AH classification expected soon for the South Eastern and Northern zones.

EPR $3.50/t GST exclusive.

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