BONDI FIELD PEA - New from Seednet
KEY FEATURES Consistently high yielding kaspa-type grain Resistant to powdery mildew, pea seedborne mosaic virus (PSbMV), bean leaf roll...

KOALA OATS - Grain Oat
High yielding grain oat Medium - tall plant height with mid-long growing season Accepted for milling evaluation

Dual purpose variety with slow early development enabling early sowing for grazing, a long growing season, then harvest maturity...

Taylor Field Pea- Kaspa-type - Not in stock
KEY FEATURES Consistently highest yielding field pea variety across many environments. Mid flowering and early to mid maturity Similar...

Butler Field Pea - Not in stock
Mid-late flowering Kaspa type field pea with improved Bacterial blight resistance Vigorous growth for semi-leafless, semi-dwarf plant...

Bateman Lupins
Significant yield improvement over current varieties in eastern states Rated MR to BYMV and MR/MS to CMV (SA rating) Rated MR to...

Morava Vetch
Resistant to rust and tolerant to ascochyta Replacement for current varieties in areas with average rainfall above 300mm Soft seeded line...

Popany Vetch
Late maturing variety Suitable for grazing, hay, or green manuring Soft seeded Mostly grown as a mixture with cereals Offers good forage...
Rasina Vetch
Earlier in maturity by 10-15 days than Morava Replacement variety for Blanchefleur and Languedoc in low medium rainfall areas Higher...

Samira Faba Beans - Not in stock
Highest yielding faba bean for the Southern region Excellent Ascochyta blight resistance Very responsive to high yielding situations ...