Bateman Lupins
Significant yield improvement over current varieties in eastern states Rated MR to BYMV and MR/MS to CMV (SA rating) Rated MR to...
Luxor Lupins
Released in 2005 by NSW DPI as a bitter free Albus lupin Higher yielding than Kiev and Ultra Luxor is 7 days later flowering than Ultra,...
Mandelup Lupins
Early vigour and harvest height of Mandelup is slightly greater than Belara and Tanjil Slightly earlier flowering and maturity than...
Barlock Lupins
Improved resistance to pod shattering Early flowering and maturing Resistant to anthracnose Tolerant to metribuzin Moderately resistant...
Jurien Lupin
Jurien Lupin - Australian Sweet Lupin High yielding across most of lupin growing areas of WA, NSW, SA and Vic Resistant to anthracnose...
Murringo Lupins
Highest yielding albus lupin for eastern states Mid flowering, indeterminate genotype Moderate resistance to Pleiochaeta Root Rot and...